Get the you need

Forests are essential for global development and preventing dangerous climate change but currently, markets fail to realise this.

We support partnerships that deliver on commitments for deforestation-free commodities, reduce the pressure on forests, and improve livelihoods.

PEF will target projects in two categories:

  1. Projects that  increase the value of standing forests to lower the incentive to cut down forests (e.g. harvesting non-timber forest products such as nuts, seeds or native forest coffee, carbon offsetting schemes, eco-tourism, conservation projects)
  2. Projects that integrate forest protection and restoration into agricultural production to reduce deforestation pressure (e.g soy, cattle, palm oil, cocoa, timber)

We have developed an integrated financing strategy and mechanism blending different capital sources to invest in forest restoration in both the readiness and implementation phases. For instance,   support in aiming to mobilize international capital at scale to sustainable practices and, among others, seek to provide long-term debt to individual projects in forest conservation and supports deforestation-free supply chains through strict lending criteria.