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We rely on our expanding network of partners to deliver results across the spectrum of environment and climate action to promote low-carbon and climate-resilient paths. These partners span multilateral and national banks, international financial institutions, development finance institutions, UN agencies, conservation organizations, equity funds, government agencies, regional institutions, and more. These diverse partnerships enable PEF to build on knowledge and experiences to drive systemic change that achieves Environment and climate ambitions.

PEF works through a partnerships approach, which positions us uniquely to serve as a bridge for developing entities in navigating a complex environment and climate financing landscape. Within this partnership network, PEF plays a catalytic role that is complementary to other sources of finance: unlocking projects that would not have happened without PEF financing or which would not have otherwise internalized rigorous environment and climate considerations. In this way, the Fund complements multilateral development banks, development finance institutions, and other partners to crowd in investment into low-emission, climate-resilient development, while also taking a leading role in driving a greater share of environment and climate finance into adaptation. Through its partnerships approach PEF acts not just as a catalyst of finance, but also of strengthened decision-making and institution building, promoting the uptake of class-leading environmental, social and gender standards.